From now (Friday, February 12th) until Sunday, the 14th I'll be going on a Twitter Detox. Trust me, it's not of my own influencing but perhaps it'll be for the best? Last night (my last official night of tweeting) I decided to talk about any and everything happening to my friends. I didn't inform my followers that I'd be gone for a few days, but despite my obvious reliance on the social networking tool, I didn't think it was all that necessary. Or maybe I'm still in denial?
Either way, wish me luck as I endure through what I'm hoping is a painless detoxification. I'll have to resort to texting people once again and sadly, when I'm wondering what everyone else is doing I'll just have to use my imagination. No retweeting clever comments, no immediate feedback or advice on an awkward situation. Nada.
I know it's only a few days but that doesn't make the process any easier *pouts* Wish me luck.
I love that you referred to it as detox...pretty clever. Good luck! :)