One more day till I'm free!
& surprisingly, I feel great (dun na na na na na na na). In all seriousness though, I'm not missing Twitter all that much. It's like I'm going back to life before Twitter, and I'm starting to remember how I use to find out what everyone was doing: by asking.
In the beginning I wanted to make a big deal about this, but not tweeting really isn't a big deal at all. I'm glad that I was able to tear myself away from this little bit of technology. It taught me that I have self-control, and that even if I can't deny how much other forms of media have a hold on my life, at least I could stop doing this one thing.
I just told my friends about my little experiment and they're all saying they miss my tweets and that they couldn't believe that I - the person who got them all hooked on Twitter, Twitter's biggest fan and poster child - was able to stop for even a few days. Um, I'm sorry? -_-
Aside from Twitter deprivation, I've been sick and that might have added to me not feeling the need to tweet my misery. This is most likely from yesterday in the city, since I decided to look cute I didn't dress for the weather. I did, however, see Avatar in 3D (Finally! & it's my new favorite movie of 2010. I cried. Again) and get these delicious, heaven-on-earth-tastin' cupcakes. . .

And consider investing in this highly unnecessary, but cute gadget. .

But enough about me. Hopefully everyone had a stellar v-day and isn't feeling too media starved.
That remote control is great!