Saturday, February 20, 2010

Cellphone, Texts, and Lovers - Oh my!

I could really relate to what this author was talking about, especially when they wrote “re-package their physical and emotional needs.” They were describing avid texters, and how they start to form relationships through texts. I found it funny how the author knew that cellphone-text-lovers identify their potentials by nicknames so that they can stay detached and it makes me think that they might fit into this category themselves. I see the people described in this article on a daily basis – the ones who have numerous texting partners who they send the same one-liners too. They are all kept in rotation, just in case something falls through with some other ones. Since this is something affecting the younger generation the most (my generation), I think that it has a lot to do with the technology we were brought up with. We are so use to having that consistency, having those options, having that convenience and sense of entitlement. In the long run, these text relationships can only go on for so long.

The joys of distraction

The biggest issue of concern in this article is how people are beginning to lose their ability to focus. The author advises us, as the reader, to close all Internet tabs, and put away all existing electronics to prove a point – and of course, this is hard to do. Between Blackberrys, iPhones, laptops, TV’s, and Ipods, there’s something everywhere you turn that’s fighting for your attention. The more I think about it, the more I realize it’s true. Right now I’m typing up this response as I watch iCarly and go back and forth between checking my text messages and e-mail. It’s sad, but I am not the only one who thinks technology is a vital part of their life. This is what I grew up around and what I’m use to.

Facebook Love?

This article started off one way and ended another – I did not think the author was going to find love over the Internet. He wasn’t looking for it and only wanted to occupy his time by using Facebook as a distraction. Most of the people in his social network (according to Facebook) could not translate into a network of his in real life. He describes them as “hi-tech ghosts”, and while he knew a lot of about their interests based on what was displayed in their profile, he did not know them. Nevertheless, this was around the holidays and any company was good. To his surprise, he started to talk to a woman who was sharing his loneliness and things blossomed from there. This is a rare instance when social networking has created strong relationships. They are usually the spark for things, but strong relationships come through time and actual interaction.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

Blame it on the cold

One more day till I'm free!

& surprisingly, I feel great (dun na na na na na na na). In all seriousness though, I'm not missing Twitter all that much. It's like I'm going back to life before Twitter, and I'm starting to remember how I use to find out what everyone was doing: by asking.

In the beginning I wanted to make a big deal about this, but not tweeting really isn't a big deal at all. I'm glad that I was able to tear myself away from this little bit of technology. It taught me that I have self-control, and that even if I can't deny how much other forms of media have a hold on my life, at least I could stop doing this one thing.

I just told my friends about my little experiment and they're all saying they miss my tweets and that they couldn't believe that I - the person who got them all hooked on Twitter, Twitter's biggest fan and poster child - was able to stop for even a few days. Um, I'm sorry? -_-

Aside from Twitter deprivation, I've been sick and that might have added to me not feeling the need to tweet my misery. This is most likely from yesterday in the city, since I decided to look cute I didn't dress for the weather. I did, however, see Avatar in 3D (Finally! & it's my new favorite movie of 2010. I cried. Again) and get these delicious, heaven-on-earth-tastin' cupcakes. . .

And consider investing in this highly unnecessary, but cute gadget. .

But enough about me. Hopefully everyone had a stellar v-day and isn't feeling too media starved.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Blogging is my anti-drug

It's really becoming my anti drug. And this is actually a good thing : ) I needed something to force me to blog.

So we're at Day 3, or the hump day, and I must say - things are getting a little easier. Last night I went out with a few friends and really wanted to tweet about some of the nonsense I was witnessing in the club, but I actually decided to make conversation with people. (That was a good and bad idea, btw)

A lot of other media deprived blogs are mentioning how much free time they have since they're not surfing the net or watching tv, but cutting Twitter out of my life hasn't exactly freed up a lot of time. I still have plenty of other apps on my phone and games I could play. I think that to really get the full effect of the assignment, I should have *gulp* cut out all things relating to my iLifeline (iPhone), because I really depend on that too much. OH well - that wasn't the assignment : )

Today I'm heading into the city (so excited! I'm such a Long Islander) and I KNOW I am going to want to Tweet about how much Valentine's Day is on steroids. I'm going to want to twitpic, but I'll relax. The city trip will be with someone who equally refuses to recognize this bogus holiday (disclaimer: while we happen to be heading out on Valentine's day, just know that this is to take advantage of the deals. . .And laugh at people like you who will be publicly swapping spit today *cringe*)

Anyway, that's all for now. Enjoy your V-day, lovers.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

No one ever said it was easy. . .

. . .But no one ever said it would be so hard -_-

Day One of socializing as a real person has been interesting. Technically, this is day 2 - but this is the first day I've actually started to feel some withdrawal symptoms. Ironically, not being able to tweet (or check on the tweets of others. . .I've decided I won't cheat in that way) has actually made me more anti-social. Crazy, huh? When I don't know what everyone's doing because I'm avoiding their timeline, I don't know what's "good for the night."

I'm a techy kind of girl - I like not having to knock on doors or serendipitously run into people to make social plans. Luckily, I can still text. The downside to that is that I never mentioned before that I shy away from texting people. I think it's kind of invasive. . .(Yes, this coming from a girl who follows her friends. But hey, they don't know how much I watch them). Besides, I'd much rather be pursued. Blame it on the Leo in me.

And since texting is pretty much out, it doesn't help that I'm becoming allergic to all Facebook's foolery. Don't get me wrong - I'm not planning on deleting it. I just haven't had any reason to go on it recently. Why? Because I have no new pictures. Why? Because I don't know what everyone's doing with their lives "/

My biggest issue with Twitter is this:
That little icon on the main screen of my phone. I'm considering deleting it, only because I'm tired of looking at it and having it be the only thing I can't touch.

The truly sad part about this is that I feel like everything tweet-worthy happens when you're trying to refrain from tweeting. Or maybe that's the Twitter addict in me talking. . .all I really did today was go to Ikea (an AMAZING store, btw. Same category as Michaels), get my hair done, and watch a movie. Someone please explain to me why I felt the need to fake tweet these things on the memo pad on my phone. . .

"Spending some QT with my baby sister."

"The movie Valentine's Day has got to be the cutest, horribly-acted tear-jerker I've seen in a while. It did it's job, guys. Shoutout to Ashton Kutcher for being the lovable guy next door. Again."

"Keep your friends close. . ."

Did any of those things have some amazing and enlightening content in them? Of course not. I just felt like people would like to know and for whatever reason, I think I might actually tweet them at a later date. Just so people have an idea of what I did.

*sigh* pray for me.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Welcome to the Real World

From now (Friday, February 12th) until Sunday, the 14th I'll be going on a Twitter Detox. Trust me, it's not of my own influencing but perhaps it'll be for the best? Last night (my last official night of tweeting) I decided to talk about any and everything happening to my friends. I didn't inform my followers that I'd be gone for a few days, but despite my obvious reliance on the social networking tool, I didn't think it was all that necessary. Or maybe I'm still in denial?

Either way, wish me luck as I endure through what I'm hoping is a painless detoxification. I'll have to resort to texting people once again and sadly, when I'm wondering what everyone else is doing I'll just have to use my imagination. No retweeting clever comments, no immediate feedback or advice on an awkward situation. Nada.

I know it's only a few days but that doesn't make the process any easier *pouts* Wish me luck.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Meteorology Madness

I don't think I can fully express how pissed I am that it didn't snow this weekend. Not a millimeter, not an inch - nada. Parties were cancelled, trips were postponed yet Long Island didn't see any of that promised flurry white stuff. There is some good news though - apparently it's a virtual certainty that we'll get snow tonight into Wednesday.

My friend told me to sleep with my pajamas inside out (which I thought was a weird Maryland-native thing) but I'm willing to give it a try. Last night I had to pull myself out of practice to get some much needed sleep and work done. I'm just tired of the cold already. I want to be able to take advantage to Forever 21's floral collection. . .

I know I have a problem.

You'll learn all that about me in due time. Let's just make this a friendly and short blog introduction: I'm Nhya, I'm a journalism major with a soc minor, and I'm not sure what this blog will turn into but life is what you make of it. Hopefully I won't suck at making things.